Wednesday, January 05, 2005

RC Strathcona Sunrise - Press Release

Asian Tsunami Relief Effort

The Rotary Club of Strathcona Sunrise is working with its Sister Club, the RC of Chennai-Kilpauk, in India, to help the victims of the Dec. 26th tsunami. Sunrise President Chip Ross contacted Chennai's Hari Ratan to offer help. Ratan, of Chennai-Kilpauk, accepted the offer on behalf of his club.

Ratan writes: "What is happening to relief work in Chennai and nearby areas is a matter of concern. There is lots of food and clothing but little else. Many times the food is reaching the same people again and again, some people are getting more relief than others and some are
waiting patiently hoping that something will happen to brighten their day. I think everyone is waiting and watching".

Chennai-Kilpauk met yesterday to develop plans to reach out to people in remote areas and to provide family building kits to the affected. The Indian Rotarians are putting together a kit for each family: sleeping mats, a stove, provisions, utensils and so on. Their plan is to get these kits out to the people in need within the next few days. They are also looking ahead to identify what needs to be done on the long term.

Many people are sleeping under the open sky and there has been a request for roofing sheets. Ratan and his club are exploring all possibilities and responding to as many as they can in the shortest possible time. They are working closely with other agencies to ascertain what they need to do and then reach out where they can.

Strathcona Sunrise Rotarians have discussed fund-raising strategies. They expect to be able to begin sending funds to their Sister Club later this week..

For more information about this project, or to make a financial contribution, call Chip Ross at 336-8377 or email him at <>

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