Wednesday, January 05, 2005

RC of Littleton Rotary Club - MA 01460

Doug and Hari:

I have just returned from our club meeting and we too either want to contribute funds to these kits or learn how to make them ourselves and ship them to RC's in the affected area. Any information either of you have on which is best, sending of funds or materials, and how to do it in an efficient manner, would be greatly appreciated. We are also thinking of doing a grant at a later date using RF matching grants when rebuilding is needed. One of our members, Littleton's Water Dept General Mgr, has contacts for water purification products that range from a small table top version for a family to a larger version that will supply filtered water for a small village. These will need electrical access, however. This is just one of the ideas we were brainstorming for future donations.

Lori Wood
Bulletin Editor
Littleton Rotary Club, District 7910
Littleton, Massachusetts 01460 USA

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