Saturday, April 25, 2009

Helping Hands Phase III - Update

No news from TRF as yet on release of funds for this Matching Grant which has been approved.

I do hope that the monies will be released shortly so work can start.

We hope to contact Rotary Clubs in Orissa and Bihar and in rural Tamilnadu and provide prosthetics to amputees loiving in these areas. These people have little access to aid and specially for prosthetics.


Yesterday - 24th April 2009 at our regular meeting (Jpint meeting with the RC of Esplanade) we had Kalki a transgender speaking about the problems faced by her community. Harassment, lack of equal opportunities, emotional problems and more being faced by her community, where highlighted by her. It was a revelation to most present. many did not even realise that transgenders where around, this exactly was the point being made by Kalki, she claimed that they were the silent minority. While other minorities such as muslims, christians and also the disabled where being treated with dignity, transgenders where continuously being discrimnated against.

Kalki stated that the problems faced by transgenders needed to be tackled from both sides. The transgenders themselves as well as the community in which they lived would have to make adjustments, a new way of looking at transegnders must evolve and the transgenders themselves must want to change and look at the community in which they live in better light.

Counselling by trained Psychiatrists over a period of time would help and so also the understanding of the mind of a transgender by the community.

There are over 2500 transgenders living in Chennai without basic amenities and opportunities.

A few NGO's use transgenders for sensitivising people on AIDs and for disctribution of condoms. While the transgenders did take on these jobs they were not happy with what they were doing. They feel that they are being used for the very purpose that many hate them for.

So much to think about and so much to do for these people. Maybe we should take on a project to provide the counselling services to transgenders.

Kovalam - Update

The shed for housing the water treatment plant at Kovalam village is ready and jose informs us that the plant will be installed and commissioned within the next few days. we hope that we will be able to inaugurate the plant in the first week of May.

Obviously the villagers are thrilled with the prospect of good, safe driniing water available at hand.

Art and Ron have been kept updated on all progress at Kovalam.

Water treatment plant for Kollumedu school

Our President Jose and I visited the Kollumedu school with the objective of inspecting the site for providing them with a plant for drinking water. Rtn Tim Johnson has kindle consented to raise the funds required to provide the school with a water treatment plant. We will have the plant installed at the school during the summer holidays and ensure its readiness when the school reopens.

The water treatment plant is a must for this school as the sample tested in a labaratory indicates that the water provided at the school is not safe and needs to be treated before consumption.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Sad news - 2 MG applications denied

2 MG applications made by us have been denied by TRF. We now need to get these applications readied and resubmitted on 1st July 2009, whe the new Rotary year starts.

The Kollumedu school is suffering without basic amenities and sadly they will have to wait for some more time.

Water treatment plant is cleared and is in Jose's factory

The water treatment plant from USA for the Kovalam village has been cleared from customs without payment of duty and has been delivered to Jose's factory.

It is now expected that once the infra structural facilities are completed at the village the installation of the plant will commence.