Friday, May 15, 2015


It was a pleasure to have DG Nazar visit our club on the 8th Jan. 2015.The visit started with DG Nazar participating as the Chief Guest at our signature project, Helping Hands, conducted at the Red Cross. He was accompanied by the AG Muthuswamy, and in the presence of Dr. Harish Metha, Chairman Red Cross TN, other Red Cross officials and members of RCCK.

We donated Calipers, Artificial limbs, wheel chairs and two special wheel chairs to  members of the physically challenged basket ball team players, including its captain,
The Club Assembly was held there after with the office bearers sharing their achievement and plans with the DG, District Secretary, Rtn. Chandramohan  and the Asst. Governor for our region, Rtn. Muthuswamy.
Moving on, the official visit of the DG to the club was held at the Taj Connemara. Secretary Ravi Krishnan, presented the club’s achievements over the last 6 months. Sitting back and looking at what all we had done, gave a very satisfying feeling of the contributions we  had made to the society.

A well attended Governor’s visit ending with great fellowship.

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