Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New batch of students at the Chip Ross Learning Centre

A new batch for the current year was inducted at the Chip Ross Learning centre. Ten disabled girls will be taught computers, their use and more at the Centre over the next 6 months. This will throw open a wide angle of opportunities for these girls, not only as regards work but also in terms of confidence, motivation and higher feeling of self worth.

The ten girls were present at the function and were excited with the prospect of learning computers. They will be provided Boarding and Lodging at the Andhra Mahila Sabha where the centre is located. The Chief Guest was Satish Jadav of Gaitonde Leathers which has been a donor to our projects.

The Centre's computers are down to 4 in number now. Computers at the Centre are subjected to a lot of stress, being handled by disabled who are not used to soft touch keyboards and computers. We need to now find funds for a few more computers and maybe an internet connection too, how about a printer? Maybe some more peripherals, special chairs for the disabled students, a multimedia kit?

We were shown the living quarters for these girls at the Sabha and there is much that can be done. A coat of paint to start with?

At the end of it all this computer course will give these girls knowledge that will get them jobs and maybe even a life.

One of the girls who was trained here was given a job by one of our member and she is now to be married to a boy working with her.

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