We meet at the Hotel Taj Connemara every Friday at 7:30 PM. Ours is a dinner meeting and visiting Rotarians are always welcome.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Computer installed at Chip Ross Learning Centre
A few days later Sandeep called me and said that he was taken up with the work at the Centre and had procured a computer which he would like to have installed there for use by the girls who were learning how to use new technology to help them with their lives.
Monday saw the computer being installed at the centre and it is now being used to teach the girls who have enrolled.
What is now required is a coat of paint for the centre and the dormitory attached to it and maybe a few other facilities which will make life easier for these disabled girls.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New batch of students at the Chip Ross Learning Centre
The ten girls were present at the function and were excited with the prospect of learning computers. They will be provided Boarding and Lodging at the Andhra Mahila Sabha where the centre is located. The Chief Guest was Satish Jadav of Gaitonde Leathers which has been a donor to our projects.
The Centre's computers are down to 4 in number now. Computers at the Centre are subjected to a lot of stress, being handled by disabled who are not used to soft touch keyboards and computers. We need to now find funds for a few more computers and maybe an internet connection too, how about a printer? Maybe some more peripherals, special chairs for the disabled students, a multimedia kit?
We were shown the living quarters for these girls at the Sabha and there is much that can be done. A coat of paint to start with?
At the end of it all this computer course will give these girls knowledge that will get them jobs and maybe even a life.
One of the girls who was trained here was given a job by one of our member and she is now to be married to a boy working with her.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Artificial Limb Camp at Salem, Tamilnadu, India
PDG Srinivasa Gobalan called to confirm the camp in the second week of November 2009. The RC of Salem Centennial has started making preparations for the camp. They have now been briefed on the camp and I suppose they have all required information to go ahead.
I hope the Valedictory function will be on Friday evening and at Yercaud, a small hill station a few Kms from Salem. It would be a great joint meeting with members of Chennai Kilpauk and Salem Centennial.
The weather in Yercaud would be great and maybe a trek on Saturday morning would get everybody ready for the event in the evening.
I have written to the DG in Nagercoil asking him for his help in organising a camp in that area. I am sure the disabled in that area would greatly benefit.
Now to look for someone in UP and Bihar.
News about Rtn. Peggy Carswell our visitor from Strathcona Sunrise just after Tsunami
Organic Revolution |
Tea growers in Assam rely on a regular regime of pesticides and fertilisers to increase production and reduce crop losses due to insect pests. The Rotarians of RC Digboi, RI District 3240, with unstinting support from a Canadian NGO, "Fertile Ground," raised awareness about the health risks associated with pesticide use. Supported by RI and Canadian volunteers like Ms. Peggy Carswell along with funds raised by Fertile Ground, they started work on "Adarsh Seuj Prakalpa," a community demonstration garden. The garden was created to provide information and encouragement to farmers, tea growers, students and consumers about eco-friendly alternatives to chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
Fertile Ground, established in 2003, carries out activities in Canada and in Assam to promote sustainable and organic farming practices. Situated on two acres of land on one of the main roads in town, the site on which Adarsh Seuj Prakalpa is now situated had previously been living quarters for workers from the local oil refinery owned by Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Ms. Carswell spent her first six weeks with three labourers and a small but enthusiastic group of local Rotarians and neighbourhood volunteers, creating a mountain of broken bricks, rocks, old shoes, glass and disintegrating plastic bags that had to be removed from the site.
Once the soil could be tilled, a series of raised beds were created. The beds were planted with a mixture of wheat, field peas and channa. The young plants were later incorporated into the soil to increase organic matter and nitrogen. Thereafter five more Canadian volunteers arrived, including Erin Harper, a young organic farmer from Salt Spring Island. Erin explained how to layer straw, cow manure, cardboard, rice husks and water hyacinth (an invasive plant that is rapidly taking over local wetlands) in long piles, 3' wide, 4' high and 16' in length. The materials decompose quickly in Assam's warm climate and by keeping the piles moist and turning them regularly, she soon had a large supply of finished compost to add to the soil.
With members of RC Digboi acting as translators, Fertile Ground's volunteers met with farmers and tea growers from a number of nearby villages. They heard from the farmers that local crops are being attacked by increasing numbers of insect pests since fertiliser and pesticide use has become more widespread and that growers have little or no access to information about sustainable or organic farming practices.
Many farmers in Assam have lost confidence in the traditional practices used to control insect pests and improve soil fertility. Most of the resource materials Fertile Ground has collected and translated into the Assamese language draw on the wisdom of indigenous cultures. They encourage growers to make compost and to use low-cost, locally available materials like garlic, chilli, haldi and leaves of the local neem tree to make preparations that reduce insect damage but don't harm beneficial bugs such as lacewings and praying mantis. Other useful practices that have fallen out of practice include placing perches made from lengths of bamboo in rice fields, or leaving strips of uncultivated land between fields to help attract birds and other insect predators.
Colourful containers to encourage people to separate materials like paper and food scraps from other waste materials was designed by the Canadian volunteer Laura Colquoun. At Adarsh Seuj Prakalpa, these materials are added to the compost piles to produce top quality organic fertilisers. This approach was welcomed by Rotarians of RC Digboi who have recently embarked on an awareness campaign to help improve the town's waste management practices.
A contribution made by the RC Cumberland Centennial, RI District 5020, Canada, helped Fertile Ground begin construction of a classroom and resource centre at the site and funding from a Vancouver-based organisation, Canada India Village Aid, a Canadian NGO, helped furnish the classroom and launch a new training and work experience programme for women in Digboi and nearby villages.
In Digboi, Rotarians have become enthusiastic spokespersons for the project. Some, like Rtn. Urmila Baruah, have started brewing compost tea for use in their own gardens and are making compost. Vegetables grown without chemical pesticides or fertilisers are regularly harvested from the new beds at the site, and are sold at weekly meetings of their Rotary Club. Flower and vegetable seedlings are also grown in a new poly-house erected this year at the site, and the sale of these materials as well as vermicompost provide a small source of income for the project.
The project currently provides full-time employment for three people from Digboi, who participate in training sessions conducted at the site and in nearby villages. A new production unit for preparation of formulas was recently completed, and plans are underway to construct a small "Green Shop" where organic vegetables, vermicompost and other products will be sold.
More information about the project, including helpful information about how to grow crops organically in both English and Assamese languages, is available at www.fertile-ground.org.
MG with RC of London

RCCK is all set to carry out the last bit of formalities which will enable it to receive the Grant funds from The Rotary Foundation.
The entire Matching Grant will be towards provision of artificial limbs to disabled people. The artificial limbs (Jaipur foot) will be provided by Mukti.
This year alone Chennai Kilpauk will provide over1000 limbs to the needy and many in rural, remote areas who do not have access to such facilities.
Once again TRF steps in to help the poor and needy disabled.
Inauguration of Kovalam
Chip Ross Digital Learning Centre
This learning will provide them with the skills that they would require to get for themselves better jobs and more than anything else give them a feeling of great self worth.
Plans are being made to commence training for these girls in the middle of this month.
Kovalam water treatment plant inaugurated
Well attended by District officials and members of RCCK the event was a grand success.
This project will enable over 600 households to get their requirement of drinking water within the village itself. Each household spends over Rs 600 per month on their water requirements and this plant will help them save this money.
RCCK pledged to do more for the people of Kovalam and has already initated a lireacy project in the village.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Helping Hands - Salem
Salem Centennial will identify beneficiaries in and around the city of Salem, a radius of about 70 Kms will be covered.
Helping Hands is a Matching Grant project with the Rotary Club of Strathcona Sunrise, Canada with the active involvement of Rtn. Chip Ross.
Kovalam water treatment plant - Inauguration
Chennai Kilpauk is looking at a longterm association with the village through RCC, literacy and other projects which will change the lives of its residents.
This project a joint effort of the RC of Dublin and RC of Chennai Kilpauk with support from The Rotary Foundation will provide safe drinking water to the residents of the Kovalam village. Rtn. Arthur McCullough provides active assistance in this project.
Over a thousand people will immediately benefit by this project and will no more have to buy their water for drinking or cooking.
This is a good example of how Rotary is making this world a better place to live in.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Status of projects
The plant has been tested and is working well. The plant will be delivered at the site by Jose's Company shortly and installed soon after. A few days of running the plant will help fix errors if any. What remains is to find a good date and get the dedication done.
Kollumedu water treatment plant for school
Rtn Tim Johnson has sent an email stating that the funding is through and we should have the monies with us shortly. Jose will be sending some one from his Company to visit the school and understand the location of the shed and power supply and so on. The plant is being put together and it is hoped that the school will have access to drinking water shortly.
Kollumedu school toilet block
The Matching Grant application will be resubmitted on 1st July by Tim. Revathi our incoming President is ding all the work to ensure this happens on time.
Helping Hands
We should be having the monies from TRF against our Matching Grant shortly. A lot of work needs to be done on this project and many volunteers required.
MG with RC of London
The MG application will be resubmitted on 1st July and Revathy has initiated action to ensure the MG goes through without a hitch.
Thiru Vi Ka School - Vocational Services Project
Mohan Roy is preparing the interim report for TRF and there is to be an interactive session with the student his evening at the school. We have enough funds for one more batch before which the fate of this project will have to be decided.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Installation meeting
The Club has under her leadership made plans for the coming year ad Revathi has already started working towards her goals.
Many projects have been drawn up and causes identified. Teams in place and enthusiastic to perform.
Her Board of Directors will be:
Secretary - Sudhir Thakker
Treasurer - Bipin Bhatia
Club Services - Venkatesh
Community - Raveendran
Vocational - Vijaya
International - Rizwan
The Club will be climbing many steps of the ladder agaist the wall under her leadership.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Water plant for school at Kollumedu
The school children have never had safe drinking water in this school and this plant when installed will provide pure drinking water for the school children.
Once the toilet project is taken on and completed, a major step would have been taken in bringing the facilities in the school to reasonable levels in terms of water and toilets. A lot more work has to go in to making this school an institution with reasonable facilties.
80G certificate
Thanks to Subbu for getting this done.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Kovalam Water Treatment Plant
The Chief Secretary of the State of Tamilnadu has been informed of the project and was very happy about the water treatment plant being installed at Kovalam.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Helping Hands Phase III - Update
I do hope that the monies will be released shortly so work can start.
We hope to contact Rotary Clubs in Orissa and Bihar and in rural Tamilnadu and provide prosthetics to amputees loiving in these areas. These people have little access to aid and specially for prosthetics.
Kalki stated that the problems faced by transgenders needed to be tackled from both sides. The transgenders themselves as well as the community in which they lived would have to make adjustments, a new way of looking at transegnders must evolve and the transgenders themselves must want to change and look at the community in which they live in better light.
Counselling by trained Psychiatrists over a period of time would help and so also the understanding of the mind of a transgender by the community.
There are over 2500 transgenders living in Chennai without basic amenities and opportunities.
A few NGO's use transgenders for sensitivising people on AIDs and for disctribution of condoms. While the transgenders did take on these jobs they were not happy with what they were doing. They feel that they are being used for the very purpose that many hate them for.
So much to think about and so much to do for these people. Maybe we should take on a project to provide the counselling services to transgenders.
Kovalam - Update
Obviously the villagers are thrilled with the prospect of good, safe driniing water available at hand.
Art and Ron have been kept updated on all progress at Kovalam.
Water treatment plant for Kollumedu school
The water treatment plant is a must for this school as the sample tested in a labaratory indicates that the water provided at the school is not safe and needs to be treated before consumption.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Sad news - 2 MG applications denied
The Kollumedu school is suffering without basic amenities and sadly they will have to wait for some more time.
Water treatment plant is cleared and is in Jose's factory
It is now expected that once the infra structural facilities are completed at the village the installation of the plant will commence.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Water treatment plant set to arrive today
The letter from Collector - Kancheepuram that will enable us to clear the plant without payment of duty is yet to be received.
There is a lot of excitment in the air and the prospect of getting this large project done so as to benefit many thousand families is motivating in itself.
Helping Hands Phase III
Kollumedu school progress
The water treatment plant is also expected to be installed at the same time the toilets are being constructed.
A water sample has been drawn from the school premises and given to the water treatment company who will after analysis decide the type of plant to be installed.
There has been progress but little in real terms to show the villagers who do nto understand the paperwork, they are used to delays and understand that but not the paperwork.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Progress for Kollimedu school toilet project
Mani will shortly provide the estimates for the toilet and Jose for the water treatment plant.
Once these are received the application will be prepared and sent off. The deadline for this is the 25th of this month.
Report received rom Thiru Vi Ka School
The vocational course for School dropouts 2nd batch was started in the month September 2007 and students underwent the training till February 2008.
Students were separated into 4 batches Electrical, Plumber, Welder and Turner respectively .Those who opted for electrical were also given training in plumbing and vice versa .Similarly turner students underwent training in the welding trade also and welding students learned turning skills.
This new methodology introduced with due approval from Rotary Club of Chennai Kilpauk turned out to be a nice one. Students who join for six months learned two courses.
During RTN TIM JOHNSON’S visit to India the certificate distribution ceremony was conducted on 14th November 2008 in Thiru.Vi.Ka. School, Tim was mightily pleased after the interaction with the beneficiaries. He was very much happy to give away the certificates and the first one to receive the certificate was Mr.RAMKUMAR who is physically challenged . After the completion of the course now he is working as CNC operator in a industry in Ambattur Industrial Estate. Most of the students who received certificates were referred to industries for interviews and many of them got selected and working at present.
The break up of students who under went the course
Electrician + Plumber = 19
Plumber + Electrician = 14
Turner + Welder = 21
Welder + Turner = 14
Total = 68