We meet at the Hotel Taj Connemara every Friday at 7:30 PM. Ours is a dinner meeting and visiting Rotarians are always welcome.
Monday, October 24, 2005
One more camp - Project Helping Hands
With every limb that is provided we must remember that we provide the disabled with a new lease of life. We are able to rehabilitate not only the disabled person but effectively his entire family.
So, why was this camp conducted in Vellore? In India it is not easy for the disabled to travel. It would have been almost impossible for many of these people who benefitted form this camp to have travelled to Chennai for their limbs. The problems associated with travel are:
1. The mode of travel would most probably be public transport and to get onto a bus without a limb would be impossible without help. This is because the steps are high and even healthy persons have to make an effort to climb into the bus.
2. A person would have to accompany the disabled to Chennai. In most cases the disabled are from poor families and the luxury of being able to acompany a disabled would be expensive and also the bread winner would be the person most qualified to acompany the disabled and if he does accompany, then who brings in the money to keep the fires burning at home?
Keeping the above in mind we decided to have the camp in Vellore.
Yes the logistics would have to be handled and if Rotarians do not make the effort who will?
Pictures of the valedictory camp have been posted to this blog.
The Helping Hands project is a WCS project with help from RC of Strathcona Sunrise.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
What's happened since the last post?
Nadukuppam village school was inspeted and found that the school was catering to children from about 4 villages. The village governng council made an appela for computers for the school and this was reviewed by the Board. I immediately made an appeal to Rtn. Tim Johnson in Oregon who immediately responded by sourcing USD 2000. Since then three computers, printer, scanner and networking equipment were purchased and installed at the village school.
The computer centre named after the donor will be called "Ed Edison Computer Centre" and will be inaugurated on 15th of October 2005.
The reconstruction of the school damaged by the Tsunami has commenced in Cuddalore and will be completed soon. This school was identified by Indian Council of Child Welfare and the Club had committed to carry out the repairs in June this year.
Meanwhile the project of starting a computer Centre for disabled people at Andhra Mahila Sabha, IPD Ortho Centre. (Here is where we carry out corrective surgeries for disabled people) this was done last month and the training has been underatked by Elmaq Edu as a public servcie project. This project will benefit over 60 disabled children by training them in the usage fo computers with specific emohasis on employability.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Thank you PDG Eugene Bail
He sent in USD 2500 which was used to purchase 4 TVs and sports equipments for 4 villages. A little is left of what he has sent and that will be used for funding transportation to psychiatrists who we hope will be able to help these people find their feet through counselling.
Thanks once again Gene.

The school which the village ehadman - Perunmal took us to in the village. This is not the school for which the headmaster made a plea. Ths school has requested for 2 computers and some furniture. The computers will benefit more than 400 students in three or four villages nearby. what is seen si the entire school.
Project Smiles - TVs for the Tsunami affected
The objective was to visit 4 villages and give them a 29 inch TV each and a collection of sports equipment. Cricket kits, Volleyballs, nets, footballs, carrom boards, chess board and men and so on.
Every village we visited had been affected by the Tsunami and its residents were before the Tsunami living in reasonable comfort. They were not in poverty and now due to an act of nature theye have lost much of their assets and have to look forward to hlp from others to get started again in their lives.
We had also planned to visit the village where we had given Catamarans and nets to get them started. AND a surprise was awaiting us. The villagers had shown the local Govt. official what they were able to achieve with the help of Rotary and had negotiated for permanent housing quarters for the village. We were witness to the hectic constructin activity taking place at the village and found the TV (Chip Ross) we had given was out in the open and people were enjoying themselves. However the fishermen were out at sea, there was no holiday for them independance day or not. No work no food, no rest even for a single day is possible.
The villages , Nadukuppam, Kottakuppam, kandanchavadi and Sodanai Chavandi was where we distributed the TVs and sports equipment. Every village wanted help in getting back to work and it was evident that only those villages that had marketed themselves were able to get relief.
It was in the village Kottakuppam, where I had the chance to meet the widow of Carpenter Gopi. You can scroll down and read the story of Gopi who committed suicide. His widow was living with Gopi's mother and the two women were found to be in bad shae emotionally and financially. Gopi's child had been taken by a French (?) couple and now they were asking his widow for Rs 20000 so they can take the child to France with them. we advised her to first enquire thoroughly before she sent her child with these people.
In the village where we saw her (Kottukuppam) we also visited the primary school (there is no secondary school here) where they had set aside a small room for computers. The digital divide here is very wide and we hope that by providing a few computers and some furniture we will be able to make a difference to the three villages which rely on this village for education.
The village headman showed great enthusiasm and told us that a priest from a nearby school has agreed to send teachers for teaching computers to the children in and around the village.
All in all a great day out, much was accomplished and with help from Eugene Bail who made this day out possible, we were able to bring smiles to 4 villages and this totalling to 2000 people and more.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Artificial Limb Camp
Helping hands is a joint project of the RC of Chennai Kilpauk and Strathcona Sunrise. This was the first of the artificial limb camps this year. The enxt camp would be for the disabled in a town called Vellore about 160 Kms from Chennai and the third camp will be in the second week of January next year when Rtn. Chip Ross visits us.
At this camp we gave away 65 limbs all of them legs to 65 disabled people.
Mr. Princeson Jose of Prince Jewellers was the Chief guest for the function and he was so touched with what he saw and experienced he made a donation to the project after the fnuction. Some people can handle disability and some find it difficult to do so. venkatesh is a boy of about 16 years of age who lost his left leg in a traffic related accident about 8 months ago. His father and mother have been a great support and have seen him thorugh difficult times and in fact the mother was there with him at the camp. She tells me that they are now finding it difficult to continue his studies because of the extra cost involved because of his disability. This boy definitely neesd counselling and help.
I do hope helping hands goes one step further in the comnig years and is able to set up a counsellnig center for disabled people. No vocational trainnig, no monetary help here, only counselling and talking them into standing on their own feet.
There was a girl however, who in the pictures is wearing a green dress who has adjusted to her disability remarkably. She stopped studying and took on a job and seems quite happy with her life. I asked her fi I could help her pursue her studies to which she responded ni the negative and asid that she was happy now working.
Helping Hands has been and always will be a very rewarding project.
Monday, August 01, 2005
A short report on happenings
The first artificial limb camp for the year is on and the valedictory function will be on the 6th of August, we will be giving away more than 60 artificial limbs. This is a joint project with the RC of Strathcona Sunrise.
The vocational service Director Vijaya has been evry busy and has bene conducting English speaking classes in Thiru Vi Ka School for students. The problem is that these children have almost no little of English and the going is tough. However, the Annes and Rtm Vijaya are giving it their best with a lot of help from a few Rtns.
After the Vaedictory function the members are driving over to Pondicherry about 160 Kms away for retreat. The idea is to brainstorm over the weekend and lay down plans for the club.
On the 15th of August we hope to work on project smiles. Thanks to PDG Eugene Bail and Rtn. Sally Platt we will be giving away TVs and cricket kits, radios and toys to people affected by the Tsunami. It will be a long day and the villages have already been identified. Rtn Vidya has been hard at work and has identified the villages which will receive the TVs.
When Vidya went out to the villages to find out which villages will benefit from the TVs, she first went to the villages where the TVs were given and found that they were the most used equipment. Almost every household had had a TV pre Tsunami and now the entire village shares one TV (the one given by Rotary). This has been a great bonding factor and the three villages are very grateful for Rotary for the entertainment they get out of the TVs. Over 50 people watch the TV in every village and we are told the TVs run continuously. Boy am I glad we did it, we have been succesful in bringing smiles into the lives of these people.
I really am looking forwrad to going over on the 15th with 4 TVs for these people. Not to forget the cricket kits for the teenagers and the play things for the girls.
Vidya has been approached by these villages eeking help in putting their schools together, a village wants 2 computers some furniture and the likes. Most students are sitting on the floor and sharing one classroom with 3 classes. One teacher most probably would be taking lessons for the the three classes at the same time. We will be trying to understand what they want and need when we go there on the 15th.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Imagine all your belongings washed away in front of your eyes and in a matter of minutes and you are helpless. Here is a guy who we thought had gotten over his wife's ailment (she is a heart patient) and also managed to keep a smile on his face even after the Tsunami took away much of his belongings.
Gopi one of the carpenters who made the catamarans for the village of Pudukupam was a young man who seemed happy and willing to help people. It was his hard work and dedicaiton that we were able to get the catamarans completed in a shorter time and it was he who fashioned the replica of a catamran that he presented to Rtn. Tim Johnson of Medford Rogue Rotary Club when he handed over the catamarans to the village and wished them a safe life.
One day Gopi found that he had misplaced his mobile phone and no amount of search could help him find it. He seems to have got into some sort of a depresison about the loss of his phone and.......
something must have snapped in his mind, something that he could not manage, he had lost so much in loife, he has a wife who is suffering from a heart problem and a young child and the stress of it all must have just hit him and lsing his prized possession was something he could not bear.
What did he do?
He hung himself, till he died.
His wife now has to fend for herself and her child and she cannot do any hard work.
I dont know if it was the loss of his mobile phone alone that could have made him do this, but yes it must have been one of the contrubutory factors but I really do think we need to find out wat happened to him. maybe it is too late, but we can and must find out what is happening to these people, in their minds. While they seem OK and seme to be managing their loss, they seem happy for what is being given to them, they seem better, they seem.........
Are they?
Tsunami is no more news and people have forgotten that fateful day after Christmas in 2004. The losses remain and so do the problems.
I am not able to believe that Gopi would have committed suicide just because he lost his mobile. There is a deepr underlying problem and we need to address that.
I think we need to remember, remember that there are still people suffering from the after effects of the Tsunami, remember that what was lost was many generations of savings, remember that it will take many years for people to get back on their feets, remember that there are people who have suffered a great catastrophe, remember that these people need help and more than anything else remember that we need to help them.
You can see a picture of Gopi handing over the replica of a catamaran to Rtn Tim Johnson in this blog.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Installation of our new President
Sreevatsa the new President mad a few mportant announcements about the plans of the Club. Here they are as a list
1. Tsunami - a vilage which lost about 28 students to the Tsunami and which is now needing a lot of repairs has been identified. The school is situated near Cuddalore one of the worst hit by the Tsunami. The Club will repair the school and provide the school with a decent building to enable it to commence functioning.
2. Tsunami - TVs and toys and playthings for the Tsunami hit villages was a great hit last year. they played a vital role in bringing back smiles ot the faces of children and many adults and hopefully the Club will have some money to be able to bring more smiles.
3. Helping Hands - The club will arrange for an artificial limb camp which will benefit over 150 disabled people. Artificial limbs and calipers for the polio affected will be distributed. We will also conduct corrective surgeries for the physically handicapped. The club will also distribute at least 70 tricycles for the disabled. this project is a matching grant project made possible with the help of RC fo Strathcona Sunrise of Canada.
4. Ignite - The club will meet the financial needs of about 40 students who come from poor families.
The function was attended by over 100 visiting Rotarians from the District and the district was well represented by its officers and PDGs. The Chief Guest of the evening was DG Elect Dr. Shyamsundar.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Giving away the catamarans
The Rotary Club of Chennai Kilpauk gave away catamarans to an entire village affected by the Tsunami.
The Village of Pudukuppam was devastated by the recent Tsunami and while no lives were lost the village suffered extensive damage. No boats or catamarans were left and the entire village was left with no means of livelihood.
I will not say much here since I have said a lot about the suffering and what these people are going through trying to get back on their feet. However, I would like to stress that they need help, they need people who understand what they are going through and who are willing to contribute in some way or other to these people’s rehabilitation.
Devaraj the village head man when he spoke at the giving away ceremony said “We live many miles away from the place where you live and many thousand miles from where this gentlemen (Tim Johnson) lives, however this distance did not separate you from us when it came to helping us. It is providence that you came here and saw what happened to us and have now come forward to provide all of us in this village with catamarans which will now give us a chance to stand on our own feet.” Devaraj could not stop the tears streaming down his cheeks.
Tim Johnson was given a replica of the catamarans which was made by the same carpenters who made the catamarans for the village.
Tim when he responded said that he wished them well and hoped that they would remain safe.
All villagers than impromptu shouted “thanks to Rotary” in Tamil.
While one phase of the process of rehabilitation is over we now need to concentrate on the rest of their problems, sanitation, education and mental health. And countless other needs which are yet to be addressed.
Education for the disabled
IPD Ortho Centre at the Andhra Mahila Sabha has been working with us the last many years. In fact it is here that we carry out polio corrective surgeries.
The Sabha runs a small computer centre which has been training disabled girls from rural areas in computerese. The Rotary Cub has been able to procure 3 used computers and has handed these over to the Sabha. The Club has now tied up with Elmaq.edu to provide training to the enrolled students. Elmaq will offer this service free of charge for the first course period which is three months and for the next course period charge 50% (to be paid by RCCK) and then onwards the Club will have to pay full charges. The charges themselves are at cost and do not include an element of profit. Elmaq will also provide the courseware and other study material free of charge.
An announcement of this project was made at the regular meeting yesterday at which time Mr. Giridhar the CEO of Elmaq.edu was present.
This trainging programme addresses a dire need of the disabled – to be trained in a skill which would help the disabled land a job. What is coming forth is also that those girls who come here for the training do not want to go back to their homes, most probably because they not only learn here but are with other disabled sharing their experiences and plans for the future. Builds up their confidence and makes them feel good. Andhra Mahila Sabha provides the space and infra structure for the training centre and also food and stay for the girls free of cost.
I hope with this programme we will be able to make a change to the lives of these girls, most of whom do not see any future for themselves.
Many Awards won
Our Club has won many awards at the district level this Rotary year.
The awards are:
- A silver plaque recognizing the Club’s status in the District.
- Award for “Smiles to School” – District project
- Awards for
- International Service
- Tsunami relief
- Community service
- Rotary Foundation
The Club’s President Karthik Sabhanayagam was conferred the Paul Harris Fellow by the District Governor
Members of the Club met for an informal celebration on Friday the 3rd of June after the regular meeting.
A report from Mohan Roy
2nd, June 05
Dear Friends,
I had the opportunity of accompanying Ann Sushila, Ms.Sathya and Tim Robinson to the Genl Cariappa School on Tuesday last.
The Genl Cariappa School which is located at the end of the Ramakrishna(?) Rd in Saligramam is a spacious block of buildings .The speciality of this school is that it has + 2 programmes with VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND SUBJECTS. Being a government school ( corporation schools are different), the vast majority of the students are from the very poor sections of society and yet,it was a pleasure to see the bright, well groomed young faces,They are confident, are not shy of their modest means and have the ambition to get ahead in life.
My confidence in the future of our country is further strengthened when I see these young people .
However, career counselling is an area which is acutely missing here and the kids seem not to know the several options that are available to them.
The principal also pointed out to us that several of these kids gravitate to the vocational schools as a result of poor marks in the tenth class .But when they pass out with good marks, their chances at the ITI's etc are brighter because of their vocational training .
Rotary can , as one their projects, encourage their industrialist members to see if campus interviews of trainees can be arranged from these streams so that kids with aptitude are picked up young and given training.Then, as part of grooming these kids as part of theirwork force, may be after a work experience of say one year give these students sponsorship to a chosen ITI for specific education.
I find that most ITI people who come to us have no clue of what is expected of them .Their work ethics are non existent and in many cases they have just gone to the institute because
there is a stipend for some special caegories of people . Government resources are being wasted .The way to overcome this is to
a) select the kids and sponsor the education(with or without govt help) so that they are serious abt their studies view future employment prospects.
b)help organise campus selection of kids so there is a hunger to excel .because only that will help them get selected.
I think incoming president Srivatsa can do wonders in this area of service.
The visit to Pudukuppam was also memorable. All the 28 boats were ready .All had Rotary Club Of Chennai Kilpauk painted on them.. I wish the name of the major donor's son/daughter
from Tim's club( he mentioned it ,we fogot may be) had been put on some. Three boats were put to sea which was rough.Tim got some very good shots of how well these people manage
on these waters with the very rudimentary tools that they have .
Rajamanickam who supplied the logs was there too.He has now given all the papers and hopes to get paid.Indeed remarkable that he delivered the logs and waited for the money all this while..a tribute to
Vidya's credibility !!!
Devraj made touching remarks about Tim and Vidya and RCCK and I think we have done well in helping these people .Very thoughtfully, they presented Tim with a miniature of the Catamaran.
Next we visited Little Drops which is a destitute home and school off Porur in Ayypanthangal (take the road adjecent to The Bus Depot).John has resigned from The Indian Airlines and like Mother Theresa
helping the aged destitutes live in dignity in their last days.There are 209 in mates.There is also a home for about 50 people who are mentally disturbed .He has managed to build one a time,six blocks of a school building which now caters to about 400 children ..fees of about 60.00 per child.His wife is in charge and another from Padma Seshadri has joined.
Daily expenses on food is about 3000/00 which is met by donations from individuals. Medicine bills are about 40,000/00.
John's daughter was also working with the mentally disabled group .The facilities are primitive but then he has done what others only talk about !!!! Bravo .Karthik has built one of the blocks for the destitutes and Shiva sent money on"Akshiya Thithi" day !!!!
mohan roy